Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Camcorder shot change

We have decided to make the handheld camcorder shots more clearer to the audience. We have done this by making a 'REC' and a red light on the shots that are handheld. We have also made a battery symbol and the frame around the shot to create the look of it being from a home camcorder. This is what we are aiming for and we feel that the audience will be able to see this more and get more of a fell for the storyline and the idea behind the video itself by making the handheld effect obvious.

We came to this conclusion of adding the handheld camera effect in this way due to the audience feedback. We had feedback that the storyline wasn't clear and the shaky handheld shots looked messy as they didn't realise that they were meant to be handheld by the characters within the music video.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Rough cut

We created our rough cut for our music video on Adobe Premiere Pro. Doing this allows us to show groups of people in the same age group and of the same gender to our target audience the video. This means that we are able to get audience feedback in order to improve it further when we create our final music video.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Music video is complete and on YouTube

We have now made our complete music video and exported it into a video file.
In order to gain more feedback we have put the video on to YouTube. This site will attract views as people can search for the song or the band and our video will come up as the search. Increasing our views on our video will help to see if anyone has some feedback as they are able to leave comments and like or dislike it.

The next step is to put the final video on to our blogs and on our band website for The Shape Of The Earth.One we have put the video on the website we will be completed it and be able to focus on little bits we can do in order to generate more marks when we hand in all of our completed work.
I am very happy with our final video and we have been able to complete it to the standard and with all of the idea that we had. The group overall was very happy with the outcome and the work we have put in has shown through our final music video piece.

The link to our music video on YouTube is: