Monday, 25 November 2013

Another film inspiration

This film is called Into The Wild. this film inspired us as its all about one person travelling on their own as they don't like reality and will do anything to get away from it. We like the idea from this photo as it is a good picture to show him travelling with all of his belongings. We want to show our character travelling with all of her things too, but she'll be travelling through streets not the wild, but we want her to be walking through all different things to show she'll travel anywhere to get away from where she 
came from.

This picture is a great shot as it shows the audience that the character hasn't got anywhere to go so they will literally sleep/stay wherever they can. This shot is him on top of an abandoned van, in our video we will change this to our character sleeping on a bench or something like that just to let the audience know she hasn't got much else. When we video her sitting on something higher, we want her to be admiring the scenery that she can see so we can tell she loves where she is and that she finds comfort in it. 

We love this shot as it shows the main character from the movie doing something he admires in a place that he loves, this inspired us to do this in our music video with our main character. We want her to be sat somewhere alone, reading also so it shows the audience that she has a peace of mind where she is and that she is relaxed and happy. In the shot we want to capture a good part of the scenery to so we can fully portray her happiness now that she is alone and far away from her home.

In our music video we want a shot exactly like this where it shows a close up of the characters face to try and show all of the emotion they have. In our case we want our character to be looking out to an open field or scenic area and have tears in her eyes to show that she feels like she is where she belongs. We want this shot to be at the very end of the video, so we can show her looking a little scruffy from where she has been travelling for days, but we want her to be smiling and feeling like shes finally got to where she has always wanted.

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