Friday, 22 November 2013

Our Facebook page

Facebook is a social networking site that has over 1.15 billion users across all ages groups. This is a free site to make pages and profiles. These facts make Facebook the best social networking site to use to create a page for our music video to make people aware of what we are doing in the production stage and the final piece at the end. The main target audience of this site is women which is our audience preference for our music video, making it a perfect site to post on to target directly to the right people we are aiming to attract to watch our project of The Shape Of The Earth - Alone In This music video.

We created the page with the title of the song music video so that people knew straight away what the page was and what it was about. People could also search this way if they was a fan of the group or the song so they have an interest into how we are making this music video with this song. We also made a post to let the likers of the page know what the page was going to consist of and what we was going to be posting onto it in the near future all the way through the production up until the final product, being our music video. We are going to be putting our rough cuts, our ideas and pictures of the production and the storyboard so that everyone that looks at the page is updated and helps us to keep up with what we have done in the same way our blog does.

We have 16 likes on our page from friends and family which shows them all our page posts on their timeline and our pictures and videos that we post so they are always updated and in the know.  This page on Facebook has allowed us to put our music video and our research into the public and make our target audience aware to increase final video views and attention.

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